quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2019

obama in news tweets,face,journals...

Barack Obama
It’s up to all of us as citizens to make sure that the rules of democracy are fair—everywhere—because the next decade of our nation's progress is on the line. Join me and in the fight against gerrymandering: .

in march,2019,more obama news=It’s that time of year—check out Barack Obama's NCAA Brackets at go.obama.org/2019-bracket

I’m about to join on stage with to answer questions from boys and young men of color about the challenges that confront them and the opportunities within their grasp. Tune in at .

It’s up to all of us as citizens to make sure that the rules of democracy are fair—everywhere—because the next decade of our nation's progress is on the line. Join me and in the fight against gerrymandering: .

curiosidades G1

Barack Obama foi o homem mais admirado pelo 11º ano seguido.

Homem mais admirado de 2018

Barack Obama19%
Donald Trump13%
George W. Bush2%
Papa Francisco2%
Bill Gates1%
Bernie Sanders1%
Bill Clinton1%
Dalai Lama1%
Joe Biden1%
Elon Musk1%
Mike Pence1%


Viajar pelo país não era seguro para negros na época em que se passa o longa 'Green Book: o Guia', com Mahershala Ali e Viggo Mortensen. Baseado em uma história real, 'Green Book' levou a estatueta de melhor filme.
Cena do filme Green Book — Foto: Divulgação

Viajar pelo país não era seguro para negros na época em que se passa o longa 'Green Book: o Guia', com Mahershala Ali e Viggo Mortensen. Baseado em uma história real, 'Green Book' levou a estatueta de melhor filme.


Neste domingo (24), G1 fez a cobertura completa da maior premiação do cinema com programa ao vivo, vídeos, tapete vermelho, textos e fotos.


Imagem relacionada

Imagem relacionada

Imagem relacionada

sábado, 9 de fevereiro de 2019


Resultado de imagem para salmo  evangelico 125
Imagem relacionadaResultado de imagem para salmo gif agua movimento evangelico

obamanews 2019

This month, My Brother's Keeper Alliance is hosting #MBKRising, a national convening in Oakland with President Barack ObamaJohn Legend, and Steph Curry to celebrate the progress that’s been made and highlight the work left to do in improving the lives of boys and young men of color.
Sign up to watch the livestream: https://go.obama.org/page/s/mbk-rising-signup-2019


Last week, we asked you to tell us where you were 10 years ago when Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States.
Spark your memory with some of the stories we’ve heard, then add your own before we close our call for submissions tomorrow: www.obama.org/history


louvores todo dia um bom dia,Deus seja Louvado,Amem
